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Goblin Advanced Rig

This was part of my creature effects unit in my final year. I sculpted the model and then took it into Maya to be retopologised and rigged. I used a couple of small Python scripts to speed up the process such as a block creator,  joint renamer, a script to flip control vertex's easier etc. The advanced rigging techniques I used included FKIK setup on all limbs, an auto shoulder blend, space switching on the arm IKs and I used a combination of blendshapes and tweakers for the face. Unfortunately because I sculpted my model I didn't have enough time to develop the rig anymore, I think if I went back to it I would put more blendshapes in and perhaps create some more scripts to speed up the process next time I am rigging.

Procedural Generation Flower Tool

This was my project for my Animation Programming and Scripting unit, it is a Python plugin for Maya which allows the user to set up a specified plane and have animated flowers growing from it. The flowers grow from the 'field' at different rates in random places. This could potentially be used for building scenes and animating them without having to animate loads of flowers individually. In the future, one could potentially implement it in game engines to be used for game environments. I even used this script to make props for another project I was working on at the time. The video covers the basic use of it though I've written the code specifically so that all parameters (how many flowers etc.) can be edited at the top of the script to suit bespoke tasks.

For this unit, I received a 78 overall.

1st Year Summer Project (Tutorial)

This short animation was created in Autodesk Maya using Python, I followed a tutorial for this but making sure I understood every line of code incase I want to adapt or reuse parts of it for various projects. In this, I learnt about Python's 'random' module which I then went on to use in my coursework for first year.


This was one project I started during first year and then completed at the end of summer after having returned from studying in Canada (and after getting my PC finally set up at a desk again!). ​


I enjoy programming though I may be a bit slow at this stage! I admire how logical it can be and I love problem solving and though it is very frustrating at times, when I finally fix a piece of code I feel amazing!

TOFA tool.png

1st Year Project

Pictured left is my Maya tool I created using Python during first year as part of my Tools for Animation module in which I received a mark of 76 overall.


It has the ability to create, move, scale and rotate 4 different kinds of shape. It also includes a randomise button which can, well, randomise the location, rotation and scale of the selected object. One can also delete all shapes and close the window.

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