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During my first year at university, we participated in a module called Visual Communication, this was a series of drawing classes starting with the human form then moving to environments and finally our digital concept art project of 'High Noon', a cowboy-themed piece containing a human in a setting. I try and keep up my drawing and photography hobby in my free time hoping to gradually improve.

I'm studied Design and Visual Research for Cinema and Game and the first teaching block consists of drawing classes but less with humans and more animals, I've included a couple of these too.

I've also included some concept art for other units such as my Deinonychus concept, characters and environments from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory and designs for my Arnold render of an image depicting 'Joy'.


I feel I have a good level of knowledge in photoshop, I mostly use it for enhancing my still image renders, as well as doing a few personal projects like enhancing my own scare actor shots or photoshopping my friends into renaissance images for their birthdays!


Photography for me is more of a hobby, I am no professional but I do like to take a couple of snaps whenever I'm out and about, these are pretty much all taken on my iPhone but nonetheless make some pretty cool photos.

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